Եղանակը Շամլուղում 05.2024ին

Եղանակը Շամլուղում May 2024ին

Ամսաթիվ Տեղումներ Ձյուն Կանխատեսում Բրձ/Ցած

Wed 29.05 13°/19° Times of clouds and sun with a strong thunderstorm in spots late this afternoon

Wed 29.05 40 0

Times of clouds and sun with a strong thunderstorm in spots late this afternoon


Thu 30.05 14°/21° Variably cloudy with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon

Thu 30.05 40 0

Variably cloudy with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon


Fri 31.05 13°/22° Warm with increasing cloudiness; widely separated thunderstorms in the afternoon

Fri 31.05 41 0

Warm with increasing cloudiness; widely separated thunderstorms in the afternoon
