Weather in Mets Ayrum on 7 days

Weather in Mets Ayrum on week

Date Precip Snow Forecast Hi/Lo

Wed 05.02 -1°/3° Cloudy

Wed 05.02 25 24



Thu 06.02 -2°/-1° Morning snow, accumulating 1-3 cm; otherwise, a thick cloud cover

Thu 06.02 80 80

Morning snow, accumulating 1-3 cm; otherwise, a thick cloud cover


Fri 07.02 -2°/1° Rather cloudy

Fri 07.02 25 25

Rather cloudy


Sat 08.02 -7°/-1° Cloudy with occasional snow and flurries, mainly early with little or no accumulation

Sat 08.02 68 68

Cloudy with occasional snow and flurries, mainly early with little or no accumulation


Sun 09.02 -7°/-4° Low clouds and cold

Sun 09.02 19 19

Low clouds and cold


Mon 10.02 -8°/-2° Chilly with times of clouds and sun

Mon 10.02 20 20

Chilly with times of clouds and sun


Tue 11.02 -7°/3° Mostly sunny

Tue 11.02 6 6

Mostly sunny
