Weather in Astghashen on 7 days

Weather in Astghashen on week

Date Precip Snow Forecast Hi/Lo

Fri 24.01 -2°/9° Partial sunshine

Fri 24.01 7 0

Partial sunshine


Sat 25.01 1°/9° Plenty of sun

Sat 25.01 6 0

Plenty of sun


Sun 26.01 0°/6° Cloudy most of the time with a shower in spots in the afternoon

Sun 26.01 40 0

Cloudy most of the time with a shower in spots in the afternoon


Mon 27.01 -3°/6° Low clouds

Mon 27.01 25 24

Low clouds


Tue 28.01 -1°/8° Plenty of sunshine

Tue 28.01 2 0

Plenty of sunshine


Wed 29.01 -1°/8° Mostly sunny

Wed 29.01 2 0

Mostly sunny


Thu 30.01 -2°/7° A shower in spots in the morning; otherwise, low clouds

Thu 30.01 40 17

A shower in spots in the morning; otherwise, low clouds
