Weather in Dalarik on 7 days
Weather in Dalarik on week
Date | Precip | Snow | Forecast | Hi/Lo | |
Wed 05.02 -0°/5° Mostly cloudy |
Wed 05.02 | 13 | 6 | Mostly cloudy |
-0°/5° |
Thu 06.02 -3°/3° A thick cloud cover with a flurry in the afternoon |
Thu 06.02 | 44 | 44 | A thick cloud cover with a flurry in the afternoon |
-3°/3° |
Fri 07.02 -1°/4° Considerable cloudiness |
Fri 07.02 | 25 | 22 | Considerable cloudiness |
-1°/4° |
Sat 08.02 -6°/3° Snow and flurries at times, accumulating a coating to 1 cm |
Sat 08.02 | 88 | 80 | Snow and flurries at times, accumulating a coating to 1 cm |
-6°/3° |
Sun 09.02 -9°/2° Snow and flurries at times in the morning, accumulating up to an additional cm; otherwise, clouds giving way to some sun |
Sun 09.02 | 60 | 60 | Snow and flurries at times in the morning, accumulating up to an additional cm; otherwise, clouds giving way to some sun |
-9°/2° |
Mon 10.02 -9°/1° Sunshine |
Mon 10.02 | 13 | 13 | Sunshine |
-9°/1° |
Tue 11.02 -9°/2° Clouds and sunshine |
Tue 11.02 | 9 | 9 | Clouds and sunshine |
-9°/2° |