Weather in Geghavank on 5 days
Weather in Geghavank on 5 days
Date | Precip | Snow | Forecast | Hi/Lo | |
Wed 05.02 -6°/2° Some sun, then turning cloudy |
Wed 05.02 | 25 | 25 | Some sun, then turning cloudy |
-6°/2° |
Thu 06.02 -11°/-4° Colder with on-and-off snow, accumulating an additional 6-12 cm |
Thu 06.02 | 94 | 94 | Colder with on-and-off snow, accumulating an additional 6-12 cm |
-11°/-4° |
Fri 07.02 -10°/-4° Snow at times in the morning, accumulating 3-6 cm; otherwise, considerable cloudiness and cold; storm total snowfall 10-15 cm |
Fri 07.02 | 78 | 78 | Snow at times in the morning, accumulating 3-6 cm; otherwise, considerable cloudiness and cold; storm total snowfall 10-15 cm |
-10°/-4° |
Sat 08.02 -16°/-4° Cold with some sun, then turning cloudy |
Sat 08.02 | 25 | 25 | Cold with some sun, then turning cloudy |
-16°/-4° |
Sun 09.02 -16°/-7° Cloudy and cold |
Sun 09.02 | 25 | 25 | Cloudy and cold |
-16°/-7° |