Weather in Arak'savan on 5 days

Weather in Arak'savan on 5 days

Date Precip Snow Forecast Hi/Lo

Wed 05.02 1°/9° Cloudy and mild

Wed 05.02 10 0

Cloudy and mild


Thu 06.02 -3°/6° A thick cloud cover with snow at times in the afternoon with little or no accumulation

Thu 06.02 75 55

A thick cloud cover with snow at times in the afternoon with little or no accumulation


Fri 07.02 -2°/8° Considerable cloudiness

Fri 07.02 25 6

Considerable cloudiness


Sat 08.02 -4°/5° Some sun, then turning cloudy

Sat 08.02 25 17

Some sun, then turning cloudy


Sun 09.02 -5°/5° Cloudy

Sun 09.02 25 23

