Ollag 10 օր
Եղանակը Ollagում 10 օր
Ամսաթիվ | Տեղումներ | Ձյուն | Կանխատեսում | Բրձ/Ցած | |
Tue 08.10 10°/25° Abundant sunshine and pleasant |
Tue 08.10 | 4 | 0 | Abundant sunshine and pleasant |
10°/25° |
Wed 09.10 11°/23° Nice with plenty of sunshine |
Wed 09.10 | 1 | 0 | Nice with plenty of sunshine |
11°/23° |
Thu 10.10 12°/24° Pleasant with sun and areas of high clouds |
Thu 10.10 | 0 | 0 | Pleasant with sun and areas of high clouds |
12°/24° |
Fri 11.10 13°/23° Clouds followed by a brightening sky |
Fri 11.10 | 1 | 0 | Clouds followed by a brightening sky |
13°/23° |
Sat 12.10 11°/23° Cloudy |
Sat 12.10 | 6 | 0 | Ամպամած եղանակ |
11°/23° |
Sun 13.10 7°/22° Nice with partial sunshine |
Sun 13.10 | 8 | 0 | Nice with partial sunshine |
7°/22° |
Mon 14.10 11°/19° Cloudy with a couple of thundershowers |
Mon 14.10 | 56 | 0 | Cloudy with a couple of thundershowers |
11°/19° |
Tue 15.10 12°/21° Considerable cloudiness; periods of rain in the morning followed by a thundershower in parts of the area in the afternoon |
Tue 15.10 | 70 | 0 | Considerable cloudiness; periods of rain in the morning followed by a thundershower in parts of the area in the afternoon |
12°/21° |
Wed 16.10 11°/23° Turning cloudy |
Wed 16.10 | 11 | 0 | Ամպամածություն |
11°/23° |
Thu 17.10 5°/18° Morning rain, then intervals of clouds and sunshine in the afternoon with a couple of thundershowers |
Thu 17.10 | 81 | 0 | Morning rain, then intervals of clouds and sunshine in the afternoon with a couple of thundershowers |
5°/18° |