Կապան 7 օր

Եղանակը Կապանում շաբաթ

Ամսաթիվ Տեղումներ Ձյուն Կանխատեսում Բրձ/Ցած

Sun 19.05 10°/19° Times of clouds and sun with a couple of showers this afternoon

Sun 19.05 90 0

Times of clouds and sun with a couple of showers this afternoon


Mon 20.05 9°/15° Mostly cloudy and cool

Mon 20.05 25 0

Mostly cloudy and cool


Tue 21.05 8°/16° Cloudy and cool; an afternoon shower in places

Tue 21.05 65 0

Cloudy and cool; an afternoon shower in places


Wed 22.05 13°/18° Cloudy and remaining cool; an afternoon shower in places

Wed 22.05 65 0

Cloudy and remaining cool; an afternoon shower in places


Thu 23.05 14°/21° Mostly cloudy with a touch of rain in the afternoon

Thu 23.05 56 0

Mostly cloudy with a touch of rain in the afternoon


Fri 24.05 14°/23° Considerable clouds with a touch of rain in the afternoon

Fri 24.05 65 0

Considerable clouds with a touch of rain in the afternoon


Sat 25.05 14°/26° Intervals of clouds and sunshine with a shower in the afternoon

Sat 25.05 60 0

Intervals of clouds and sunshine with a shower in the afternoon
