Դաշկեսան 7 օր

Եղանակը Դաշկեսանում շաբաթ

Ամսաթիվ Տեղումներ Ձյուն Կանխատեսում Բրձ/Ցած

Wed 29.05 14°/20° Sunny to partly cloudy

Wed 29.05 4 0

Արևոտ, տեղ-տեղ ամպամած


Thu 30.05 15°/21° Increasing clouds with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon

Thu 30.05 40 0

Increasing clouds with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon


Fri 31.05 15°/23° Turning cloudy with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon

Fri 31.05 40 0

Turning cloudy with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon


Sat 01.06 13°/18° Clouds and sun with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon

Sat 01.06 55 0

Clouds and sun with a strong thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon


Sun 02.06 12°/19° Mostly sunny with a thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon

Sun 02.06 40 0

Mostly sunny with a thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon


Mon 03.06 12°/23° Partly sunny with a thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon

Mon 03.06 40 0

Partly sunny with a thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon


Tue 04.06 15°/26° Warm with clouds and breaks of sun; a couple of afternoon showers and a thunderstorm

Tue 04.06 61 0

Warm with clouds and breaks of sun; a couple of afternoon showers and a thunderstorm
