Ջերմուկ 5 օր

Եղանակը Ջերմուկում 5 օր

Ամսաթիվ Տեղումներ Ձյուն Կանխատեսում Բրձ/Ցած

Tue 07.05 1°/7° Considerable cloudiness and cooler; a bit of rain this afternoon

Tue 07.05 75 0

Considerable cloudiness and cooler; a bit of rain this afternoon


Wed 08.05 0°/6° Remaining cloudy and chilly with occasional rain

Wed 08.05 81 6

Remaining cloudy and chilly with occasional rain


Thu 09.05 1°/11° Variable cloudiness with a shower in the area in the afternoon

Thu 09.05 65 4

Variable cloudiness with a shower in the area in the afternoon


Fri 10.05 4°/14° Sunny to partly cloudy

Fri 10.05 2 0

Արևոտ, տեղ-տեղ ամպամած


Sat 11.05 3°/13° Mostly cloudy with occasional rain and drizzle, mainly early in the day

Sat 11.05 69 0

Mostly cloudy with occasional rain and drizzle, mainly early in the day
