Հառիճ 5 օր

Եղանակը Հառիճում 5 օր

Ամսաթիվ Տեղումներ Ձյուն Կանխատեսում Բրձ/Ցած

Sun 19.05 0°/10° Partly sunny and chilly

Sun 19.05 25 0

Մասամբ արևոտ և սառը եղանակ


Mon 20.05 3°/12° Sunny to partly cloudy with a thundershower in spots

Mon 20.05 41 0

Sunny to partly cloudy with a thundershower in spots


Tue 21.05 3°/13° Variable cloudiness with widely separated thundershowers in the afternoon

Tue 21.05 44 0

Variable cloudiness with widely separated thundershowers in the afternoon


Wed 22.05 5°/13° Widely separated morning thundershowers; mostly cloudy

Wed 22.05 55 0

Widely separated morning thundershowers; mostly cloudy


Thu 23.05 5°/13° Times of sun and clouds with a thundershower in spots in the afternoon

Thu 23.05 41 0

Times of sun and clouds with a thundershower in spots in the afternoon
